Picture Window Sonica 2012
19th October – 17th November, 2012
Various Locations across Glasgow
Curated By
Participating Artists
Alex Hetherington
Alexa Ispas
Flatten the Mountain
Gustav Lejelind and Louise Magnusson
Jane McInally
Matthew Collings
Steve Hollingsworth and Jim Colquhoun
Rebecca Wade Morris and Adam J Scarborough
Thomas Leyland-Collins
Wounded Knee
Graphic Design
Picture Window is run by Annie Crabtree and Eileen Daily, it is an on going project based in Glasgow concerned with temporarily animating vacant spaces and shop fronts. Their aim is to engage artists and creative practitioners to transform and re‐imagine spaces with work that is open and immediate, free from the constraints of the gallery format – a two-dimensional viewing space for work to be performed to an unmediated urban audience.
For Sonica Festival 2012, we commissioned Annie and Eileen to produce a programme of events and installations across the Glasgow.
Sonica Festival 2012 (sonic art for the visually minded) was a 10 day celebration of world-class sonic art, presenting extraordinary work from the UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Korea, Australia & Lithuania.