Pecha Kucha 32 – Occupying the Post-Industrial City
2 Dawson Road
Tuesday 20 June
7pm – 9pm
Curated By
Elie Lakin, Jason Bruges Studio
Amica Dall, Assemble
Valentina Karga
Ainslie Roddick, CCA
Angus Farquhar, NVA
David Cook
Chris Leslie
Kat Loudon, Design by Zag
For more information about Test Unit, visit
Like many cities, Glasgow has a wealth of vacant buildings and sites following industrial decline. As demand for space changes, we need to explore processes that are less capital intensive and quicker to respond to people and change.
Test Unit is a summer school and events programme that aims to nurture a relationship between people and place through building capacity to initiate grass-roots projects, and place culture, people and education at the heart of regeneration.
This Pecha Kucha will feature Test Unit 2017’s five facilitators who’ll be sharing their individual practice and the ‘prototypes-in-progress’ at this mid-way point. They’ll be joined by other leading cultural innovators exploring the central theme of ‘Occupying the Post-Industrial City’.