Pecha Kucha 26 – Great Minds Don’t Think Alike
The Whisky Bond
2 Dawson Road
Glasgow, G4 9SS
Curated By
Jeremie Warner, Power A Life
Lynn Wilson, Zero Waste Scotland
Scott Kennedy, Revive
Tim Hartley, Impact Ready
Pete Masters, Missing Maps
Michael Matovu, Radiant & Brighter CIC
Robbie Norval, Lingo Flamingo
Simon Sharkey, National Theatre of Scotland
David Cook, NVA
Bruce Gunn, Delivered Next Day Personally
Social Entrepreneur
1. a person who establishes an enterprise with the aim of solving social problems oreffecting social change.
(Oxford Dictionaries)
Great Minds Don’t Think Alike will present a range of speakers who are developing creative solutions that make a positive difference to our world. These are out-of-the-box thinkers and doers who are breaking through traditional structures and existing norms, presenting new ways to help the most marginalised people and tackling head on some of the big issues we are facing in society today.
Pete Masters – Missing Maps
Pheona Matovu – Radiant and Brighter
Tim Hartley – Impact Ready
Simon Sharkey – National Theatre of Scotland
Scott Kennedy & Becca – Revive
Robbie Norval – Lingo Flamingo
Lynn Wilson – Circular Economy
Jeremie Warner – Power A Life